What’s different about our Plan?
- No waiting period before benefits begin. Other plans usually have a 3-month waiting period during which you pay but get no coverage.
- No annual deductible. Other plans generally require you to pay hundreds of dollars of your own money each year before your coverage begins.
- No annual dollar limit on basic dental services covered. Many plans cut off your coverage at $750 or $1,000 each year.
- No age requirements or limits
- No health questions
- No loss of benefits if you move between provinces
- Reimbursement based on current provincial dental fee guides
- Scaling has no time or dollar limit
- Standard root canal therapy included
- Enhanced benefits in the second year (e.g. crowns and bridges)
The Retirees Dental Plan is a private plan unrelated to your pension. We offer coverage to Canadian Pensioners with no age restrictions or health questions. You can join the Retirees Dental Plan to be covered as early as the first of next month – no waiting period applies!
Please contact us Toll-Free at 1-888-484-4448
or email jane@retireesdentalplan.com for more information
We look forward to serving you.