If you are retiring from Bell after Dec. 31, 2013, you are eligible for services under the Retirees Dental Plan.
- BPG Plan “A” is for those who retired before July 2000 and whose current plan pays at 1988 rates.
- BPG Plan “B” is for those who retired after July 2000, but before December 31, 2013 and whose current plan pays at two-year-old rates.
We are pleased to announce that the Bell Pensioners’ Group Inc. has been able to secure additional dental benefits for its members and is offering them through the Bell Pensioners’ Group Inc. Supplemental Dental Plan. This service is available to you as a supplement to your existing dental coverage. It covers the same dental work as your present plan, but reimbursement is based on current fee guides for general dental practitioners, and it allows you to claim from both plans.
You now have the opportunity to bring your dental care more in line with today’s costs.
The special BPG Inc. Plan pricing will make this plan very attractive to those who wish to participate. These additional benefits will be underwritten by Green Shield Canada and administered by RMS Retirement Management Services Ltd.